Kalo Foundation of Park Ridge at Iannelli Studios
The Kalo Foundation of Park Ridge is a nonprofit organization established in 2006. The organization is dedicated to preserving the rich artistic legacy of the city through education, advocacy, and preservation, as well as promoting the arts & crafts as an integral part of our modern lives. One of our main projects was to purchase and renovate the Iannelli studio, which is in Park Ridge and is a valuable historical structure. We have purchased the studio and are now in need of funds to assist in the rehabilitation and renovation of the studio. Donations are still appreciated and needed.
To make a donation online, click on the Donate button above which takes you to a secure site or download our donation form and mail it in by clicking here. |
501(c)(3) status was granted January 24, 2007.
About Us
The Kalo Foundation of Park Ridge was established in 2006. It is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving the rich artistic legacy of the city of Park Ridge, IL.
Address: 255 N Northwest Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 60068
Phone: 847-792-1970
Email: info@kalofoundation.org